Brain Injury and the Body

What is a TBI? Information from the NYS Dept of Health
Each year, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) contribute to a substantial number of deaths, cases of permanent disability, and large changes in the lives of people. No matter age or current health everyone can experience or be affected by TBI. A TBI can be caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. The severity of a TBI may range from “mild” to “severe”. No two injuries are alike. Even a “mild TBI” or concussion can leave an individual with various deficits.
At Headway, we strive daily to help individuals with TBI and their families to live their fullest, most rewarding lives possible through both our Medicaid Waiver programs and our non-waiver community outreach/ Support Group and educational services.
Other Information about Brain Injury and The Body
A brain injury may interfere with movement, communication, thinking or behavior.
- poor balance
- problems swallowing
- repetitive movements
- inability to plan motor movements
- easily tired
- sensitivity to touch
- loss of feelings to parts of the body
- double or blurred vision
- loss of taste or smell
- sensitivity to movement, sound or light
- always cold or always hot
- not able to recognizing objects or faces
- Problems judging how far away something is
Speech and Language
- not able to understand what is said
- not able to read
- slurring of words
- making up words
- problems saying or writing thoughts